Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Chile Verde Quote Response #4

p. #85

"Are we are the letters, Mamita?"

I found this quote to be interesting because of the manner in which it was stated. It taskes a simple phrase and idea that would be in the first paragraph of the story, and contorts them to give it a different twist. It also steers away from the conventiaonal.

p. #91

"No Bible in the tribe keep the culture alive. While dreaming, eyebrows float as sheep grazing on cinammon cliff."

This quote is important because it is criticizing American culture today. He is saying that we are drifting away from religion, and that it is seen as uncultured. The second half of the quote I do not really understand, I believe that it is saying that when we dream we still exist and are still functional, we just don't realize it.

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