Sunday, May 13, 2007

Chile Verde Quote Response #2

p. #49

"Redwwods rolling over Universal Studios
Shoe salami sandwich,
A grizzly making porno faces on Wall Street
White Owl cigar"

This selection comes from the segment talking about "Events and Found Objects After The Blast." This title is referring to what is going to happen when nuclear war happens all around the world, and there is just one big blast. It is not important for the things he describes, but the message he conveys in that nuclear weapons are dangerous and are going to destroy everything.

p. #54

"When he ordrs a filafel and calls it Phil
When he comes home and cleans his lips
When he refers to his socks during an interview"

This selection comes from the segment "Man Goes Woman." What it is saying is that every day, men are becoming more efeminate. That the two sexes are blending together, and you are losing the most iportant attributes from both sides that set them apart, and soon there will be no difference between the two.

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