Monday, May 14, 2007

Chile Verde Quote Response #3

p. #79

"And maybe, if we are here, unshackled, in this aura of the awakened present and its chambers of gnashing trade systems, global and virulent, in every maquila shoe, aesthete cafe cup and Madras shirt, we can now ask ourselves, well, what is foreign and distant?"

This is a very important quote because it takes into perspective, Western ideals. The most important part is the question of what is foreign and distant. This could have multiple conotations. I believe that it is talking about how the U.S. and other countires see eachother as foreign countires, and completely different from themselves, but really, they are neighbors and the universe aroud them is foreign.

p. #76

"If you throw a chicken bone over your shoulder, he'll call
If you spit into his black olive twice, he'll choke on your name
If you memorize a license plate a day, you won't crash
If you wrap a green tie around your ankle, he'll give you the money"

I am confused about whether or not this poem has any religious conotation. I believe that it does because it is entitled, It Is Said, and it keep mentioning "he", but doesn't explain who "he" is. I believe that he is referring to God, and the poem is stating that there are so many new rediculous things being mentioned about the Bible and religion that make absolutely no sense, and that people should just interperet things how they feel and not allow people to do it for them.

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