Monday, May 7, 2007

Seeing Quote Response #2

Dillard, Seeing
p. # 702

"He dresses up, grooms himself, and tries to make a good impression. When he was blind he was indifferent to objects unless they were edible"

This quote is important because it shows how something like being able to see affects a persons behaviors. When he couldn't see, he did not care about his appearance because he could not see himself. When he finally saw himself, he tried to clean up. this is true in normal life too, when we do something but can't see what we did, we generally do not care until we realize what we did.

p. # 701

"It oppresses them to realize, if they ever do at all, the tremendous size of the world, which they had previously concieved as something touchingly manageable."

This quote is another one of those true to scenario and life quotes. It deals with life in general because when a person has a life-altering revelation, they realize something they didn't know before and have this new thing to look forward to or awe over. It also works in the context of this story.

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