Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dharma Bums Quote Response 120-149

Kerouac, The Dharma Bums
p. #122

"After all a homeless person has reason to cry, everything in the world is pointed against him."

This quote angered me. It is not like it is not Ray's fault that he is homeless. He doesn't work because he doesn't want to. If he worked hard and tried, he could have a job and a steady source of income, and not be homeless. He chooses to be homeless, and therefore cannot say that everything in the world is pointed against him.

Kerouac, The Dharma Bums
p. #129

"It shore is, but I'll tell you sumpthin, after this steak you made for me, even though I paid for it, but you cooked it and here you are washin your dishes in sand, I'll just have to tell them to stick the job up their ass because now you're my friend and I got a right to give my friend a ride."

This shows the morality of the truck driver, and his sense of life (how he puts friendship over money). He treasures his friendship with Ray and believes that it is more important for him to help Ray than his job. It shows his true colors.

1 comment:

horny4u2nite said...

you miss the point completely.alot of people value friendship over money(mostly people who are not materialistic).