Monday, April 23, 2007

Dharma Bums Quote Response 199-223

Kerouac, The Dharma Bums
p. #201

"Japhy, do you think God made the world to amuse himself because he was bored?"

This quote made me believe that Ray really isn't a Buddhist, he is just pretending to be around Japhy. He states that he is a Buddhist, but when he is not thinking, and just talking, he asks about God. Then hen tries to cover it up and replaces God with a Buddhist god's name. He is trying to be someone he is not, I don't like him for this.

Kerouac, The Dharma Bums
p. #202

"Oh, don't start preaching Christianity to me, I can just see you on your deathbed kissing the cross like some old Karamazov or like our old friend Dwight Goddard who spent his life as a Buddhist and suddenly returned to Christianity in his last days."

This quote just proves my point that Japhy has no respect for anyones ideas but his own. If you don't think the same things that he thinks you are ignorant and he doesn't want to listen to you. However, if you differ in beliefs he can preach to you all day about Buddhism and nature. It is extremely ignorant, arrogant, and closed-minded.

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