Monday, April 16, 2007

Dharma Bums Quote Response 149-171

Kerouac, The Dharma Bums
p. #167

"Fine . . . that'll buy a lotta pork and beans and wine."

I thought this was an important quote because it shows how Ray has no real want or need for money. He does not want to buy anything fancy or save up for his future. He simply makes money so he can eat and get drunk.

Kerouac, The Dharma Bums
p. #170

"Well I ain't happy little sage no mo' and I'm tired."

As thie cahpter moves on it appears as if Japhy is changing. He seems to be growing tired of the life of a Dharma, and is becoming more depressed everyday. His change from being extermely happy, to being depressed happens very suddenly and unexpectedly. Ray even see's his change and prays for him.

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